Any guide for ThemeProvider ?
Olivier Tassinari
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Joo Hyung Park The generated theme currently only works with the CssVarsProvider. Can you provide some more details about the errors you're experiencing? Thanks!
Joo Hyung Park
Thanks for getting back to me, David.
In short, I’m dealing with a compatibility issue. I'm working on a design using an open-source framework based on MUI. This framework only allows theme customization through the ThemeProvider, which applies to the entire framework. This approach limits flexibility and complicates integration with the CssVarsProvider.
It would be great if the framework could better support backward compatibility, especially with different theming options like the CssVarsProvider. This would make it much more user-friendly and adaptable.
Thanks for understanding!
Tomasz Zadański
David, do you plan for support for "ThemeProvider"?
Olivier Tassinari
Tomasz Zadański We are progressively moving toward taking full advantage of CSS variables since the browser support is good enough. Expect that we will progressively place the two in parity.